
The Incredible Bread Machine: A Study of Capitalism, Freedom, & the State

By R. W. Grant
This book discusses some of the misconceptions about capitalism, such as the “robber barons” and the Great Depression and goes on to challenge prevailing assumptions about the need for government intervention in the private affairs and voluntary (market) relationships of peaceful people. I first read this some 30 years ago, and the material is as relevant today as it was then.

The Law

By Frederic Bastiat
A difficult read because every word is chosen so carefully. Difficult, but important. A great “giveaway” book. Buy them in quantity from Foundation for Economic Education, Inc., 30 South Broadway, Irvington on Hudson, NY 10533.

The Strangest Secret

By Earl Nightingale
One morning more than 40 years ago, an amazing message was played for a group of salespeople at Earl Nightingales insurance agency. They were utterly electrified by what they heard. Word of the message spread like wildfire, and everyone who heard it was positively ignited into action. Thousands of requests for a copy of the recording came pouring in.

Basic Economics, Third Edition

By Clarence B. Carson and Dr. Paul A. Cleveland
Available at 205.305.5862 Intended as an introduction to economics for beginners, but it is full of insight for those who have already studied economics. It is written in plain English, minus all the charts and graphs which make academic economics so difficult to learn.



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